Both articles laid out two cases of a widespread tendency within the university system—not only in the United States—toward a pragmatic view of higher education, even though this is antithetical to the meaning of education itself.
Teaching students to learn is often substituted for a mere transferring of those skills needed to succeed in the world beyond academia—economic success, that is. When this happens, higher education degrees become an obstacle course in which candidates must fulfill a number of requirements before they become marketable. Courses without a direct and obvious purpose in the job market are considered secondary and, consequently, pushed aside. And since the value of the humanities often becomes apparent only over the long term, it is common to see students giving up humanities courses in favor of more technically oriented subjects.
Can universities prepare students for the real world while remaining the temples of knowledge they are meant to be? I believe they can, as long as they remain loyal to their essence.
You can read the aforementioned articles here and here.
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