Collaborator in the Areas of Research, Editing (translation English-Spanish and Spanish editing) and Education
Originally from Granada (Spain), Spanish Language and Literature are two of the most prominent features within the cartography of Juan Pablo’s existence. The different directions his life has taken have depended, to a large extent, on literature. He has come all the way from his patio in Granada, where he read every book he could get my hands on, to Caen (France) as an Erasmus student and a Spanish Language Lecturer, to completing a Master of Arts degree at the University of Washington, to finishing his PhD at Yale University; paragraph after paragraph, lesson after lesson, some miles have also been left behind.
His research examines the origin of modern literature through the study of medieval hunting manuals, exploring how autobiography, satire and criticism proliferate in this genre at the end of the fifteenth century in Castile. He is currently teaching Spanish Language, Literature and Culture at Washington University in Saint Louis (Missouri) where he is also Editorial Associate for the Revista de Estudios Hispánicos.