When learning or teaching a language it is essential to consider the cultural factor as this determines, among other things, the communication model we establish. When many of us learn English, we are not only acquiring a new linguistic model, but also a cultural and communicative one.
For instance, when we want to explain something in US English, whether it be an essay or a business project, we need to follow a number of steps. First, we must announce what we are going to present and how we intend to do it. Then we explain each step, stating what we are doing as we do it, and after each step we summarize the main ideas so they are clear and everyone can remember them. The message is repeated once and again because it is collectively assumed that everyone will understand only what’s explicitly stated. The more we repeat the message, the better we communicate.
Within US culture, rules must be clearly stated—and preferably put down in writing—as is customary with individualistic societies. Collective models, such as Hispanic societies, are the opposite. In these cultures, common knowledge does not need to be stated verbally, because it lives implicitly amongst us. In Hispanic cultures, social customs are not only unwritten, but also rarely made explicit, since they are expected to be picked up from the context and everyday life. Sooner or later, all speakers learn this implicit knowledge which is necessary to communicate within the culture. This is the case with the characteristic Spanish modesty, the humble attitude we are expected to project outwards regardless of our inner self esteem. This implicitly learned rule requires us not to boast about ourselves, because praise for our successes should only come from others. There is no such requirement in US Anglo culture, where speaking openly about one’s good qualities is not only not rejected, but rather is publicly valued as a sign of self-confidence and assertiveness.
As a result of globalization, the politically and economically predominant model also rules over the linguistic dimension. Thus, the US American style has gradually taken over the Spanish way of communicating. We see ourselves doing things that are unfamiliar to us, such as publishing our activities and successes on social networks. The weight of centuries of tradition is heavy, so we post with a tone of apparent modesty, saying we’re thankful for the opportunity of participating in this wonderful project, we celebrate the publication of an issue that—incidentally—contains one of our articles, we pretend to be surprised to have been accepted onto a team and, in some cases, we admit directly that we are unworthy of such an honor. But we post anyway.
To have done something like this only ten years ago would have invited criticism and accusations of presumptuousness and arrogance from half the neighborhood. Today we smile when we see others’ successes, we congratulate them as we click “Like” or some even more effusive icon. Since when do we who live in Hispanic cultures publicly celebrate someone else’s success and give away hearts? It seems that on social networks we’re able to project a self-confidence that is not always reflected in our everyday lives. I must confess it makes me hopeful for a future in which we can translate this attitude into real life. Will we be able to overcome jealousy and congratulate someone openly and sincerely? I certainly hope so! That attitude will depend more on our inner personal work than on our communication style, but I enjoy imagining us finally being able to accept novel customs regardless of where they come from. I have no doubt this very blog is also transmitting the US communication style to some degree, as I am typing this under its influence. But if it works, I welcome it.
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