He has taught at the University of Alicante since 2002 and became a tenured Assistant Professor in 2015. He is currently a member of a number of national and regional research projects.
His research focuses on Medieval Latin Philology and critical editing of Medieval Latin texts, with a particular interest in Islamic-Christian controversies and texts related to the Crown of Aragon.
His is the critical edition, currently in press, of the complete works of the Dominican Alfonso Buenhombre (¿?-1353) for the Collection Corpus Christianorum, made up of five diverse works: Epistola Samuelis, Disputatio Abutalib, Contra Malos medicos, Historia Ioseph and Legenda Sancti Antoni.
Antoni Biosca’s is the first Spanish version of Lorenzo Valla’s (1406/1407-1457) De falso credita et mentita Constantini donatione, generally known as the Discourse on the Forgery of the Alleged Donation of Constantine, one of the main works of the Renaissance and in the history of literature. Akal published it in 2011.
He has also completed the critical edition of the complete works by Pere Marsili, a 14th-century Dominican from Mallorca, which include the Latin version of the Llibre dels fets by King Jaume I, the Liber gestorum regis Iacobi and an apologetic writing against Islam, the Epistola ad Abdalla. They were published as volume 273 of Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis.
He’s edited the first Latin version of the apocryphal History of Joseph and Asenet, published in 2012 in the collection “Nueva Roma" (New Rome) by the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
His other publications have medieval philosophical lexicon, Latin texts of the Valencia Kingdom and of Alicante as subjects, as well as translations of medieval texts from Arabic to Latin.
He was a visiting scholar at the Warburg Institut (University of London) and at the Officina di Studi Medievali (Palermo, Italy).
He is a founding member of the European Academy of Religion, founded in 2016 by the European Parliament with the support of UNESCO. He is also a member of the Scientic Committee of the Institut Virtual Internacional de Traducció (http://www.ivitra.ua.es) and of the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (http://www.sismel.it/) as well as of several journals.