Alessia Dalsant

Collaborator in the Areas of Research, Editing (Translation English/Spanish-Italian) & Education

Un libro è un giardino che ci portiamo con noi in tasca.

Currently she coordinates de Modern Languages Program in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of New Haven (Connecticut, 2012-2019), where she teaches classes on Hispanic and Italian language and culture. She also taught Spanish at Yale University (Connecticut, 2009-2012), at Hunter College (New York, 2004-2006), and at John Jay University (New York, 2005). Finally, Alessia gave Italian classes to children aged 0-6 for the Children’s Aid Society in New York (2002-2006) thanks to funds from the Italian-American Committee on Education (IACE).

Her research stretches in two directions: in Spanish, she is interested in Medieval literature and the cultural and literary exchanges among the three Abrahamic religions. In Italian, Alessia studies the topic of migration by adopting a transatlantic perspective, that is, the literary production of the first and second generation of Italian emigrants to the US at the turn of the XX century, and that of today’s immigrants to Italy from African and Eastern-European countries.

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