About us

We are

culture specialists

KREW is a group of humanities professionals with a practical approach to business.

KREW is an endeavor launched by Elena Pellús Pérez, who, after completing her PhD and teaching both in universities and in private companies, realized that business culture needed the help of culture professionals. In collaboration with other specialists in the humanities—language, literature, classics, philosophy, history, art history, anthropology, religious studies—she has dedicated herself to studying and improving the culture of businesses. Now KREW is a reality: we are a team of professionals working to bring the benefits of the humanities beyond the walls of academia and into the private sector.
All members of the KREW team are fluent in at least three languages, have advanced degrees (PhD or MA, if not both) in the humanities. Each of us has years of professional experience in academia or in the private business, when not both, and we all have published academic work. Our team is international, multicultural, and interdisciplinary, just like the issues we can help you with.

Leave your business culture to the culture experts.

We are

the culture experts

Excellence is our goal at KREW

We aim to be a hinge and an inspiring force that offers effective strategies to improve your business.

Excellence is always our goal. We find our inspiration in the 16th-century Erasmian motto of facere quod in se est; to do what lies within you. Whatever we do, we always do our best.

KREW unites the advantages of rigorous academic knowledge with the practicality of the private business.

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